I am happy to offer individual and group consultation for EMDR. For group consultation, please sign up HERE (Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/curt-widhalm-emdr-consultant-in-training-17741523372 ). The price is $65 per hour for individual consultation or for 2 hour group consultation. For individual consultation, please email me at curt@curtwidhalm.com to arrange a time.
Consultation is for those in the midst of Basic Training, for those going towards Certification in EMDR, and for EMDR practitioners looking to consult on cases.
CONSULTATION FOR BASIC TRAINING IN EMDR: 10-Hours of Consultation with an EMDRIA-approved consultant from the Institute of Creative Mindfulness (ICM) is required. Usually 4-6 hours are completed between the Part 1 and Part 2 trainings, with the remainder done after completing Part 2. All of these hours may be done in a group setting. Completion of consultation is required before a Certificate of Basic Training in EMDR Therapy can be awarded. Upon completion the therapist may refer to themselves as an EMDR therapist or EMDR practitioner.
More information about all international ICM consultants and consultants-in-training can be found HERE. (Link to include: https://www.instituteforcreativemindfulness.com/consultation.html)
CONSULTATION TOWARD EMDRIA CERTIFIED THERAPIST STATUS: The EMDRIA Certified Therapist designation requires 20 additional hours of consultation, 10 of which must be individual. 15 of these hours may be included with a Consultant-in-Training.